Introducing the MiR250 Hook

Together with the MiR250, the MiR Hook 250 constitutes an optimized AMR solution that automatically picks up, transports, and drops off carts carrying up to 500 kg in payloads.

Precision and performance for increased productivity
The MiR Hook 250 is a significant upgrade compared to the MiR Hook 100/200. With the MiR250 Hook solution, MiR has integrated the newest software to improve and optimize reversing, navigation, and docking compared to the previous MiR Hook models. And with the MiR250 as the strong robot platform, the new solution offers improved performance, increased charging ratio, a more robust and durable design, higher protection of electronics, and faster precision docking.

MiR250 Hook in action

The MiR250 Hook identifies carts by April Tags or QR codes and autonomously transports them to the appointed destination. MiR250 Hook can also be incorporated into a fleet of MiR robots, and can easily be redeployed to meet changing requirements.


  • Collects and delivers an unlimited number of carts of different sizes
  • Versatile solution that requires no modification of existing carts
  • Robust design ensuring a long lifetime
  • Efficient backing routine, all-round navigation, docking features
  • High performance for optimized transportation of carts

Interested in hearing more about the MiR250 Hook?